Is It Worth Suing For Whiplash?

Whiplash is a common injury in car accidents, and most people often ignore or overlook the possibility of compensation. It can be a minor injury or a life-altering injury that leads to permanent disability.  If that doesn't convince you to file a claim or sue, consult an auto accident injury lawyer to understand whether it's worth pursuing. Below are ways to determine whether suing is a route you can consider.  Read More 

3 Reasons To Hire An Attorney After A Truck Accident

If you have recently been involved in a serious accident with a large truck, then you may be overwhelmed with the number of decisions to make going forward. While it is tempting to take the first settlement offered by an insurance company, this rarely comes with any advantages. Instead, having an attorney to represent you in the weeks and months following your accident can see you rewarded with a settlement you deserve. Read More 

Protecting Yourself Legally By Hiring A Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

When motorists are involved in wrecks with motorcycle riders, they are often eager to blame the person on the cycle rather than themselves. In fact, they may even wrongfully assume that the police will listen to them and believe it when they say that the cycle rider was riding too fast, weaving in and out of lanes, or engaging in other risky riding behaviors. However, as someone who rides a motorcycle frequently, you do not have to take the brunt of wrongful accusations and accept blame for a wreck that you did not cause. Read More 

Filing A Birth Defect Claim When A Child Is Born With Down Syndrome

Parents put a great deal of trust and confidence into the hands of the healthcare workers in charge of their care during pregnancy and birth. For this reason, someone has to be held accountable when families discover that their physician may have been negligent in their efforts.  One such incidence is when a physician fails to diagnose Down syndrome before birth. A child born with Down syndrome is not a hardship, but it is a scenario in which parents deserved to be forewarned so that they could plan accordingly. Read More 

Car Accidents and the Initial Investigation

When the worst happens and you are involved in a car accident, you may be unaware of what is happening at the scene. Several things may be occurring at once and what looks like chaos to you is really the amazing work of first responders doing their jobs to protect you and others. While you are being whisked off to the hospital, the accident scene is being cleared and there is an investigation being initiated. Read More