Refuting Misconceptions Regarding Medical Malpractice Cases

Suffering a serious injury or developing an illness is always an unpleasant experience, and people rely on their doctors to treat these problems. However, it is a reality that some doctors can make mistakes when treating their patients that result in serious harm being done. When this happens to you, there is a chance that you may be able to sue the doctor for medical malpractice, but this is a frequently misunderstood area of law. Read More 

About Hiring A Lawyer After Getting Attacked By A Dog

Did you get chased down and attacked by someone's unleashed dog? Depending on the local laws about unleashed dogs, you may be able to sue the owner of the pet for what happened. If you live in Tampa, for example, you'll need to find a trial attorney in Tampa, FL. Find out in this article what a lawyer can do to get you paid in a dog bite lawsuit as well as what the legal fees are estimated to cost. Read More 

What Are Punitive Damages In Personal Injury Cases?

You may have heard of punitive damages being awarded in a high-profile court case, but they are not actually awarded as frequently as you may have been lead to believe. If you wanted to know if you could receive punitive damages in your personal injury case, you need to understand what they are. When It is Possible To Receive Punitive Damages Punitive damages are reserved for situations where the defendant's actions were reprehensible, and deserve a punishment beyond the repaying costs incurred by the plaintiff. Read More 

How A Lawyer Can Overturn A Denial For Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Are you being threatened with termination after asking your employer for workers' compensation benefits? You don't have to deal with unfair treatment because you were hurt on the job, and a professional lawyer, like those at Neifert Byrne & Ozga, can help you get through the stressful situation. Find out below about getting workers' compensation from an employer who has denied you the benefits, as well as what you can expect to pay a lawyer. Read More 

How Head Injury Damages Are Calculated In Personal Injury Cases

If you have been in involved in an accident that was not your fault and are suffering from a head injury as a result, you are likely considering filing a personal injury suit. You are entitled to compensation, whether your head injury was minor or more severe, but the amount of compensation can vary greatly depending upon several of the below factors. To find out more about how head injury damages are computed, read on. Read More